Monday, January 11, 2010

The overview lecture

"Anyone confused or has any questions about what I previously explain"

It's Monday (Day 3). Earlier today, I presented an overview of the iLab architecture to the majority of the Masters' students working within the University of Dar Es Salaam's iLab unit. In all, it took under 1.5 hours. I was interrupted several times by questions or had to wait for live demonstrations. I hope I have done a good job so far of hiding my propensity to dominate conversation or talk too much. I enjoy explaining to people, so I was glad to do the overview.

I have never being able to determine if I am truly answering a person's question, but I have heard that the type of questions asked can be a good indicator. The questions that were asked did indicate overall that people followed along well with my explanations and the nods that accompanied my answers to their question made me feel great. I expect to do another presentation tomorrow, when I talk about debugging and the technical details of iLabs. I plan to be concise and find ways to gauge the audience's understanding.

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